Reasons to Hire a Medicaid Fraud Lawyer


If you are notified in the mail that you are currently under investigation for Medicaid fraud, there is not time to waste in reaching out to your local Medicaid fraud lawyer. Each day that passes, you limit the chances of a lawyer being able to help you to win your case and avoid all the trouble that is coming your way.

Gathering Important Evidence

If you think that you can simply toss the letter aside and then show up to court to defend yourself with no serious work done to prove your case, you are going to be in for a very long day. These judges have seen enough of these cases and are making examples of those who they consider are gaming the system. If you think you can talk your way out of this situation, you are going to be shocked how quickly the judge rules against you. Call your local medicaid fraud lawyer and let them at the least analyze the letter. It might be an oversight, or it might be that you are in serious trouble and need an attorney to help convince the judge this issue should not impact you the rest of your life.

Avoiding Serious Penalties

One of the reasons that you want to be working with a Medicaid fraud lawyer is because they understand how to give the courts exactly what they need in order to close the case. On the low end, you could be facing some fines that may be more money than you have to pay at this time. On the higher end, depending on the judge, you could have those medicaid benefits suspended temporarily or permanently. There are some cases where the judge has made people pay back the benefits they received including interest too.