Medicaid Fraud Attorney’s in New York City


Why Get a Medicaid Fraud Attorney

There’s fraud that happens with government benefits. Medicaid is no exception. With some people having to pay $200 month for their healthcare though Obamacare, they’ll do anything to keep from paying the tax penalty. If it means signing up for a service just to say they have insurance, so be it. The only problem is that getting caught could result in not getting the help needed and jail time. What ever money was lost will have to be paid back. That is were a medicaid fraud lawyer comes in. Some of the best are in New York City. One of them happen to be the Spodek Law Group.

Tell Me More

The Spodek Law Group is a family owned law firm that has been around for 36 years. There specialty is medicaid fraud cases whether it is investigations, or prosecutions. They represent people who have been accused in this area and are known for getting superb results. Of course you would want them to help keep you from doing prison time. I’m sure that they can cut deals that will keep you from going. This law firm can be in your corner, if you need that kind of help. However, they can also get money back for you if you have been defrauded by doctors who were supposed to looking out for your well being.

Give Them a Try

It doesn’t hurt to call them. The consultation is free. Other locations are in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. That gives you more to choose from. A company that has a proven track record can give you peace of mind. So do not hesitate to take your Medicaid situation to them. For something serious as medicaid fraud, this is the best choice.